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Piles of Books

A Bit About Me

My Story

I have been a lover of words and writing for as long as I can remember, and have spent the majority of my career teaching students ranging from Kindergarten through adult. No matter what age, my biggest goal has always been to encourage my students to be their own unique selves, to have confidence in who they are, and to follow their passions. Additionally, I long to inspire a love of language, helping students of all ages see that writing and reading can be work, but they are also a great source of joy. A couple of my favorite moments have been when some of my Middle School students asked my permission to work on writing their stories at home for homework, and when one student posted a picture of her independent reading book with a candle next to it on Instagram and wrote, “My teacher calls this homework. I call it fun!” That made my day!

I am so excited to recently sign on with Acorn Publishing for my debut young adult novel Sticks and Stones. This novel was inspired by my years of teaching, where I saw so many students struggle with so many varying issues, and also saw how an understanding ear and relevant literature could make a significant impact on their lives.

I have  also been  inspired by all my students who have encouraged me on my path to publishing, like that class that I told in 5th Grade that I would finish my book by the time they graduated in 8th Grade (You know who you are!) They asked me to read bits of my book to them in class and cheered me on. A huge shout out to them and all my other students who have and continue to ask me about my novel, and most of all, a shout out to my own children, husband, and family members who have helped me in ways that go beyond words.  I hope all of my readers enjoy my book, and most of all, I hope young people as well as adults can find faith and strength, like my main character Emily did, even when things seem to be falling apart.

When I'm not writing, I can be found reading, sipping coffee, browsing a bookstore, or pursuing a part-time faith and fitness ministry at

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